60 Seconds
2016 Election
Here we go again with the parade of criminals who call themselves candidates for the 2016 presidential election. All liars, all crooks. My thoughts in 60 seconds or less. Please don't shoot me if you think I'm a idiot.
There just seems to be no end to the idiots who come along wanting to be president.
Actually "idiot" is the wrong term. Politicians are extremely smart and cunning. It is the nature of politics. The politician flings lies and mud and we as a people suck up every bit of it from the one who says what we want to hear. Pretty soon you have gangs of people who have similar ideals on two different sides and, supposedly, the side with the greatest number wins.
Of course this isn't really true because if the people's choice conflicts with their state representatives agendas, the electoral collage can make the whole election a waste of time. Which it is anyway. The every government seat, from the president on down to your local dog catcher has been bought long before any ballots are punched. The people we push up to the point of having high office are crooks and thieves by the time they get to be president, or congressmen, and senators.
Even if the politician did start off with good intentions, they will have been lost and forgotten by the time they get to city council. It's no more about for the people. It's about how much money the politicians can line their pockets with. Promises and platforms are trashed, because that's what they were from the start. Just something to fill the peoples ears and hearts to get them to vote for the politician.
And who do we blame for this? The politicians? NO! It is indeed the people who are to blame because we choose to push forward those politicians who have the money to bring their message to us rather than search and support for those without the money to run million dollar campaigns, or hold big $2000 dollar a plate banquets to raise money to support such a campaign. Because we are too lazy to find them and support them. We've allowed ourselves to be convinced that a Harvard degree trumps hard-knocks experience.
And thus we pay the price with higher taxes,stupid taxes, dumb laws, and government red-tape for the services we should get; that even those with the Harvard education can't decipher; all for the benefit of those we've allowed to be elected and the corporations that own them. We've allowed seats that should be a public service, and a duty of all citizens, to become a money making racket for the politicians, lawyers, and corporations. It is indeed, our own fault and it is our children who will pay the price.
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